amcs :: creative stuff

A collection of the assorted bits and pieces that make up a life.


My name’s Alex Matheson and this is my little corner of the ’net. It’s an assorted collection of random musings, very short stories, music I’ve made, and perhaps a photograph or two. Have a browse around and see what strange delights you can find.

Me In A Forest


A long time ago, I used to write and record my own songs. These were pretty basic things featuring just me singing and playing an acoustic guitar. Most of these were not all that great but there are a few that I’m quite pleased with, despite never having properly recorded and released them.

The songs that I’m particularly fond of and have decent recordings of have been digitised and are presented on this site for posterity.

Each was transferred from tape and cleaned up using Audacity. To some I added some effects and background noises in an effort to add more atmosphere and bring them to life in the way that I originally intended. You can hear these songs and read their lyrics by checking out my Acoustic page.

More recently, I’ve been experimenting with Acid Music Studio and using it to create songs using a mixture of loops, sound effects and samples. These are available on the Experimental page.

Some of these experimental tracks have lyrics, most don’t. And the lyrics are not usually sung – they’re more likely to be spoken or created using speech synthesis software. I’ve also tried not to be constrained by my influences when putting these tracks together and have adopted an anything goes policy when composing them. Hopefully this will make for an interesting listening experience.

You can play all of the tracks presented here by visiting my Soundcloud page.


So as well as things musical, I occasionally write short stories and other snippets of prose.

Once upon a time, I actually went so far as to write a novel though it needs a hell of a lot of editing before it is fit to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. One day I’ll get round to that task but in the meantime you can download some stuff I’ve taken the time to publish in ebook form.

The shorts and stories I’ve posted on this site are a mixture of horror, fantasy and the absurd. So read them at your own risk…