amcs :: creative stuff

A collection of the assorted bits and pieces that make up a life.


All that remained were ashes, charred furnishings; a ruined shell. But she had her memories of the accelerant, the lighter; her joy at their screams.


On a cold, dark night in the run down farmhouse he felt something warm nuzzle his hand and he instinctively reached out to stroke it. The rabid dog took two of his fingers before he was fully awake.


Everyone thought he’d gone because he said, “See you later,” and they watched him leave. But every night he’d creep from his basement hideaway to study them whilst they slept.


He had often wondered what it would be like to ride the night bus all the way to its terminus and finally found out the night he fell asleep and missed his stop. As the bus came to a stop he awoke to a panorama straight from the bowels of hell: dim lighting; rusty chains; meat hooks; a grinning man in a bloody apron waving a gore-smeared cleaver.


Being afraid of clowns seems like something of a trendy phobia these days. I’m afraid of them because I once saw an appallingly skinny man dressed as an evil clown throw his head back and swallow a live mouse.