amcs :: creative stuff

A collection of the assorted bits and pieces that make up a life.


Despite the gusting wind and drumming rain I felt secure and warm tucked up in my attic bedroom. Then a face appeared at the storm-lashed skylight.


For years he complained about his wife’s cooking, especially her pies, claiming he could make better ones. He was right: the guests at his wake ate every last one.


We crawled for what must have been miles through mud, thorn-laden bush, beds of razor-sharp rock and freezing streams but still the bastards caught us. Then came the torture and the screaming.


We used to camp out by a deep bend in the river in our teens. The day we found an arm sticking out of the mud the world changed forever: its fingers were still moving.


They all thought hide-and-seek was a great game until the day they didn’t find little Davy. Lucy found him 4 months later and screamed for days.