amcs :: creative stuff

A collection of the assorted bits and pieces that make up a life.


They promised us a just reward in paradise if we did terrible things in the name of our god. But they were as wrong as this hellish limbo is empty.


I found myself in a cold, wet place, unsure of how I got there. I wasn’t alone: the bodies of the other passengers and crew floated in the cold with me.


The last time I ever went fishing, I met an old guy with a limp and asked how he caught so many fish; there were at least ten in his basket. Wild-eyed and grinning he showed me the line of fish-hooks embedded in his calf.


Looking at the board as I got up I figured that, if I made a real effort, today might be an improvement. Hi Score: 325,760.


“Give me your wallet,” hissed the man with the knife. I smiled, knocked the knife from his hand and tore his throat out with my teeth.