amcs :: creative stuff

A collection of the assorted bits and pieces that make up a life.


Running late, he took a shortcut through the alley that everyone said was the most dangerous in town. Footsteps at his back made him whirl round only to realise it was those up ahead that should have alarmed him.


The first thing we did when the power went out was light candles. Their flickering flames revealed horrible things creeping from corners and from under furniture; so the last thing we did was scream.


Despite the gusting wind and drumming rain I felt secure and warm tucked up in my attic bedroom. Then a face appeared at the storm-lashed skylight.


For years he complained about his wife’s cooking, especially her pies, claiming he could make better ones. He was right: the guests at his wake ate every last one.


We used to camp out by a deep bend in the river in our teens. The day we found an arm sticking out of the mud the world changed forever: its fingers were still moving.